If it stinks, change it!


Mysterious Name

  • 神秘的名稱



Duplicated Code

  • 重複的程式碼/ 功能,作用一樣

Don’t Repeat Yourself!!


Long Method(Function)

  • 冗長的函式,活的好又長壽的程式都用短函式

不需要看function內容,藉由function name就可以知道function的作用。



Long Parameter List

  • More than three or four parameter for a method!



Global Data

  • Global data危險在於,它能被程式的任何地方修改!


Mutable Data

  • Can update some data here, not realizing that another part of the software expects something different and now fails — a failure that’s particularly hard to spot if it only happens under rare conditions.

Divergent Change

  • 發散式修改,同一個class經常因為不同的原因被用不同的方式修改。

When we make a change, we want to be able to jump to a single clear point in the system and make the change.

Many changes are made to a single class!

Shotgun Surgery

  • 散彈式修改,每次修改時都要在許多不同類別裡面進行小規模的編輯。

Making any modifications requires that you make many small changes to many different classes.

Single change is made to multiple classes simultaneously.

Feature Envy

  • 一個模組內的函式經常與另一個模組的函式或資料互動。

When we modularize a program, we are trying to separate the code into zones to maximize the interaction inside a zone and minimize interaction between zones.

Data Clumps

  • Different parts of the code contain identical groups of variables.(相同的參數常常在不同地方出現)

Primitive Obsession

  • 基本型態偏執(只給純量)

ex:貨幣金額, 計算物理量時,不給單位

Repeated Switches

  • Whenever you add a clause, you have to find all the switches and update them


  • Use Replace Loop with Pipeline!


Lazy Element

  • Sometimes, it’s a class that used to pay its way, but has been downsized with refactoring. Either way, such program elements need to die with dignity.

Speculative Generality

  • 畫大餅,”Oh, I think we’ll need the ability to do this kind of thing someday”


Temporary Field

  • Sometimes you see a class in which a field is set only in certain circumstances.


Message Chains

  • You see message chains when a client asks one object for another object, which the client then asks for yet another object, which the client then asks for yet another object, and so on.


Middle Man

  • If a class performs only one action, delegating work to another class, why does it exist at all?

This can go too far. You look at a class’s interface and find half the methods are delegating to this other class.

Insider Trading

Modules that whisper to each other by the coffee machine need to be separated by using Move Function and Move Field to reduce the need to chat.

Large Class

  • 龐大的類別

A class contains many fields, methods, lines of code.

Extract class, subclass, interface

Alternative Classes with Different Interfaces

  • 異曲同工的類別

two classes perform identical functions but have different method names.

The programmer who created one of the classes probably didn’t know that a functionally equivalent class already existed.

Data Class

  • A data class refers to a class that contains only fields and crude methods for accessing them

These are classes that have fields, getting and setting methods for the fields, and nothing else. Such classes are dumb data holders and are often being manipulated in far too much detail by other classes.

Refused Bequest

  • 被迫接繼承所有父類別的屬性與方法



  • 過多註解

The best comment is a good name for a method or class.


## 1. Extract Method

Smell: Have a code fragment that can be grouped together!


printOwing(): void {

  // Print details.
  console.log("name: " + name);
  console.log("amount: " + getOutstanding());
// keypoint:太多行的程式碼,比較難看出function的用途


Move code to a separate new method and replace the old code with a call to the method.


printOwing(): void {

printDetails(outstanding: number): void {
  console.log("name: " + name);
  console.log("amount: " + outstanding);
// 可讀性提高
// 讓method可重複使用
// 拆成獨立的兩個method,容易找bug!

2. Form Template Method

Smell: the duplicate code is similar, but not completely identical

form template method before



form template method-after

Forming a template method is an example of the Open/Closed Principle. (開放封閉原則)


should be open for extension, but closed for modification!!


3. Replace Parameter with Method Call

Smell: 傳入參數的值,為其他method的產生結果

Placing a query call inside the method!!!!


let basePrice = quantity * itemPrice;
const seasonDiscount = this.getSeasonalDiscount();
const fees = this.getFees();
const finalPrice = discountedPrice(basePrice, seasonDiscount, fees);
// 太多的參數難以理解
// 參數值來自太多個method,很難去得知最後傳進method的值為多少
// value-getting code doesn't use parameters


let basePrice = quantity * itemPrice;
let finalPrice = discountedPrice(basePrice);
// 在discountedPrice method中再去取得seasonDiscount和fees的值

4. Preserve Whole Object

Smell:get serveral values from an object and then pass them as parameters to a method

Passing the whole object!!!


let low = daysTempRange.getLow();
let high = daysTempRange.getHigh();
let withinPlan = plan.withinRange(low, high);


let withinPlan = plan.withinRange(daysTempRange);

5. Introduce Parameter Object

Smell: contain a repeating group of parameters

Replace the parameter with an object!!


introduce parameter object-before


introduce parameter object-after


